Music Advocacy

Dr. John Benham to consult for SFoM
Silverton Friends of Music invites parents and community members to a once-in-a-lifetime event: come learn new information that can help save and restore our music program and promote quality music education for ALL SFSD students. Dr. John Benham, author of Music Advocacy: Moving from Survival to Vision, is an internationally-renowned public school music researcher. He has worked as a music advocate with communities to save and restore over $75M in music program cuts in nearly every state and province of North America over the past 38 years. Dr. Benham is coming to Silverton, April 9th-13th to conduct a study of our music program. Dr. Benham will present his findings in a public meeting upstairs at Trinity Lutheran Church Saturday beginning at 9:00 A.M. Free Saturday lunch program follows at Noon. The event is free and includes child care.